Peace of Mind

June 8, 2023

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. Proverbs 16:3
It’s nice to have peace of mind and not be disturbed by consequences or changes in life. This happens when your thoughts are established and your mind is freed from worry, trouble, and anxiety. An established mind is settled, and not agitated or frazzled.
The only way to attain a settled mind is by committing your works unto the LORD. To commit means to trust or roll on. The thought implied here is that you roll your works upon the LORD. Whatever actions you conduct, or intend to undertake, are completely given over to God. Not given to anyone else, kept to yourself, or left to chance, but given over to the LORD for Him to direct and deal with.
This requires a submissive heart and commitment to prayer. Take your plans and problems to God, trusting in Him to work all things out. Do your best to fulfill your responsibilities while completely depending upon the LORD to determine the results. This will set you free from worry and ward off distress and discouragement, while giving you peace of mind and a content heart.
God is willing to carry your burdens and bless your life. Seek Him out in prayer, submit to His will, and wait upon Him to work. In doing so, your mind will be settled and your soul will be satisfied.