A Lesson in Service

April 13, 2023

“And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.” Mark 9:33-34

As they traveled to Capernaum the disciples disputed amongst themselves. They argued over which one was the greatest. From what we know of these men it was likely a heated discussion. Each having their opinion and willing to back it up. It’s not a good picture of the men Jesus called to take the gospel to the world. What was said, and how it was spoken, is unknown to us. It is certain that they were in the wrong, for Jesus took the time to rebuke and teach them. Consider some of the problems with their discussion.

  1. It Lacked Humility – to boast of being the greatest is a sign of pride.
  1. It Lacked Love – there was no concern for the others. Each wanted to prove they were better than the others.
  1. It Lacked Contentment – it was about personal desires instead God’s plan for their lives. Each sought to glorify self instead of exalting God.

Jesus Christ confronted the apostles. He was aware of their discussion. Nothing is hidden from God. The men refused to answer, probably due to shame and embarrassment. They had become more concerned with personal recognition instead of service to God, and although their conversation concerned spiritual matters, it was still based upon selfish motives. 

Jesus addressed the problem and with a child taught these men a valuable lesson on service. If they wanted to be first, they should be willing to be the least. They were reminded that pleasing God was about humble service and not personal ambition. Instead of using their energy to rise above each other they were to serve one another for God’s glory.

As you serve the Lord make sure you’re seeking to glorify God and not self.