Beware of Pride: The Source of Contention

November 30, 2023

Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom. Proverbs 13:10 

Disagreements are part of life. People differ and nobody agrees with everyone about everything. However, there is a difference between disagreeing with someone and being contentious. A contentious person constantly produces strife, leading to disputes and fights. This proverb tell us that this is a direct result of pride.

A proud person, one who is haughty and overbearing, is certain to have disputes. There are several reasons for this.

First, pride exalts self while degrading others, so a proud person has no reason to listen to or learn from anyone they hold in low esteem. They go their own way and do their own thing, because a proud person cannot be wrong, or so they think. This attitude is often applied to God and His word as well. 

Second, the proud are demanding and want everything they believe they deserve, without any consideration of others or thought to consequences. This overbearing attitude provokes people around them, which produces problems.

Third, pride leads one to become close-minded. When this occurs a person will not heed advice from others or consider their different ideas. By refusing to learn from those around them their knowledge will be limited and wisdom lacking. Unfortunately, the proud will not recognize this or acknowledge it.

All of this leads to strife, quarrels, disputes, arguments, and fights. Contention separates friends and divides families. It ruins lives and destroys homes.

Pride is the problem. A proud person will instigate quarrels and refuse to conclude them. They would rather be resentful than to reconcile with those they disagree with.

Take heed. Don’t let pride ruin your relationships, including your life with God. The answer is humility. Cast out pride and humble yourself before God. A humble person esteems himself or herself no better than anyone else. They are not above advice, counsel, or rebuke. Their humble heart seeks knowledge, listens to others, and gains wisdom.  

Thanks for reading…

Pastor Ramirez