The Foolish Son of a Wise Man

January 19,2023

And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old men’s counsel that they gave him; 1 Kings 12:13

Rehoboam was the son of the wisest man on earth, but one would not know it based upon his poor decisions. He acted like a fool and made a mess of things.

What went wrong? Why did Rehoboam forsake good counsel? How could Solomon’s son fail in such a manner?

The answers to these questions are not given to us in scripture. But, here are some thoughts to consider.

Wisdom is not Inherited

Wise parents do not always raise wise children, just like foolish children are not always the result of foolish parents. We find that children will sometimes go a different direction than their parents, whether that be for good or for bad. In this case, the wisest man on earth gave way to a proud and foolish son. This is a reminder that each person will be accountable for his or her decisions in life.

Wisdom is Imparted

True wisdom comes from the LORD. He imparts wisdom to those that seek after Him and ask for it. Solomon wanted the LORD’S wisdom, and received it, but evidently his son had no desire for it. Rehoboam refused to seek God’s wisdom and instead, chose to follow the counsel of his friends. It was a poor decision and he suffered the consequences. This is a personal matter. Those that want the LORD’S wisdom will ask for it.

Wisdom is Important

Without wisdom troubles may multiply, often quickly, as Rehoboam found out. With the LORD’S wisdom one is able to discern right from wrong and make correct decisions. Had Rehoboam sought the LORD’S wisdom he might have avoided the foolish mistakes that divided his kingdom. Why endure difficulties when you can avoid them with wisdom from above? 

Seek wisdom from God and encourage others to do so as well. With God’s wisdom you can make good decisions.