The LORD Knows

June 1, 2023

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3
Although it may not be expressed, most want a ‘god’ who is limited in sight. One who can be hidden from and avoided. But that’s not the case. In this proverb we’re reminded that the LORD sees all that occurs in the universe that He created and governs.
God is a spirit, but here He is described figuratively so that He can be understood. We’re told that God has eyes and can see, meaning He observes and inspects. The universe is not governed by a blind power but by a God that watches over the affairs of mankind.
God sees all. Nothing is overlooked or hidden from His view. He sees what is done in public as well as what transpires behind closed doors. There is never a moment God does not see.
God sees the evil, that which He disapproves of. The sinful conduct of men and women cannot escape His sight, including secret sins and concealed plans. He is also aware of any evil done against you. Injustice and mistreatment that goes unnoticed by others is seen by God. He knows what your trials and troubles.
God sees the good, that which He approves of. The works accomplished in His power and for His glory. The LORD also sees that which is missed by others; your thoughts, intentions, and motives. When you’re misunderstood or misjudged, you know God sees the truth.
This is a reminder that God is interested in all things and all people, including you.