The Power of a Good Word

August 17, 2023

“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.” Proverbs 12:25

A heavy heart is filled with care and concern. This might be due to outward circumstances or inward feelings. Either way the result is the same, a stooped or sinking heart.

The problem often begins in the mind. Worry, fear, guilt, shame or other troublesome thoughts fill the head and the heart begins to sink. The heavy heart loses hope and believes there is no help in sight. It becomes difficult to praise God with song, worship Him in prayer, or find comfort in His Word.

This is often a silent burden that is hidden well from others. It’s possible to go through life with a smile on the face and a heavy heart within. The problem; a troubled heart is sinking and a sinking heart is in trouble.

What can be done? Is there a cure? Is there hope for a heavy heart? Yes! There is a remedy.

A good word! What is a good word? A good word is kind, gracious, cheerful, true, and suitable. It’s a correct word spoken at the right time.

How does a good word lift a heavy heart? First, through companionship. You’re reminded that you’re not alone in this world. Others are there for you, including God. Second, through consideration. It’s nice to know you’re on someone’s mind. You’ve not been forgotten. Third, through care. A good word means someone cares and they care enough to encourage. Fourth, with comfort. Good words comfort the hurting soul. Fifth, through challenge. Words might change perspective, provide direction or be the motivation needed to act.

A good word brightens the day, encourages the heart, and offers hope. It makes the heart glad.

If you have a heavy heart, look to be encouraged. You cannot determine what others say but you can always turn to the Bible for a ‘good word’. For example, the Psalms are filled with encouragement, and in Philippians 4:8 you’ll find the thoughts that produce peace. The Word of God is the greatest remedy for a heavy heart.

Finally, consider how you might help others. Your words, if good, can bring gladness to a saddened soul. Your words might make the difference in someone’s day. Your words may lift a heavy heart. 

Thanks for reading…

Pastor Ramirez