Waiting on God


Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. Exodus 2:15

Sitting by a well in Midian Moses might have wondered what his future held. The young man raised by the royal family in the palace of Egypt found himself in the middle of nowhere, alone and with no plans for his life. He was unable to return to Egypt, due to his rash and violent behavior, and he had nowhere else to go. He might have been tempted to believe that the LORD was finished with him due to his impatience, or at the very least, through working in his life for the benefit of the Israelites in Egypt. In times like this it’s good to remember that God is patient and forgiving.

Moses remained in Midian for the next forty years, and in the home of Reuel he found a place to live and work. He married Zipporah, one of Reuel’s daughters, and they had two sons. Midian did not have the luxuries and riches of Egypt, but it appears Moses was content with God’s direction for his life. Instead of quitting or rebelling against the LORD he applied himself to the work and responsibilities set before him.

In the quiet setting of Midian the LORD prepared Moses for future service. While growing up in Egypt Moses gained knowledge of the world, but in the desert he discovered the ways of God. In rural Midian Moses grew in faith, patience, and humility. 

  1. Faith – Moses was required to trust God in all areas of his life.
  1. Patience – Moses waited on God for direction.
  1. Humility – Moses learned that God was in control.

Moses had to wait. He had nowhere to go and nothing else to do, and although he may not have  realized it at the moment, he was right where he belonged. Like Moses, if you must wait, do so with faithfulness and diligence. Remember, God knows what is needed for your spiritual growth and service. Trust the LORD to place you where you will benefit the most.

Waiting is difficult, but at times necessary and beneficial, so learn to wait upon the LORD.